La aplicación de geofencing de Android se estrella al inicio

Estoy tratando de hacer una nueva aplicación de geofencing que tiene un solo botón (Toast mensaje "dentro" o "fuera"), pero la aplicación se está estrellando en el inicio.

Aquí está el código:

package com.example.geofencing; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentSender; import android.location.Location; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Toast; public class MainActivity extends Activity implements GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks, GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener { // save the string that represent the geofence status private static String DWELL = "Default"; private GoogleApiClient mGoogleClient; // mock laoctions variables private static final String PROVIDER = "flp"; private static final double LAT = 37.377166; private static final double LNG = -122.086966; private static final float ACCURACY = 3.0f; // for mock locations (testing) public Location mockLocation(double lat, double lng, float accuracy) { // Create a new Location Location newLocation = new Location(PROVIDER); newLocation.setLatitude(lat); newLocation.setLongitude(lng); newLocation.setAccuracy(accuracy); return newLocation; } @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); // you can also add more APIs and scopes here mGoogleClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this, this, this).addApi( LocationServices.API).build(); } @Override protected void onStart() { super.onStart(); mGoogleClient.connect(); } @Override protected void onStop() { mGoogleClient.disconnect(); super.onStop(); } @Override public void onConnected(Bundle connectionHint) { // have to extend it with if statement - *for future use* Location location = LocationServices.FusedLocationApi .getLastLocation(mGoogleClient); // adds geofencing ArrayList<Geofence> geofences = new ArrayList<Geofence>(); geofences.add(new Geofence.Builder() .setRequestId("unique-geofence-id") .setCircularRegion( mockLocation(LAT, LNG, ACCURACY).getLatitude(), mockLocation(LAT, LNG, ACCURACY).getLongitude(), 1000) .setTransitionTypes( Geofence.GEOFENCE_TRANSITION_ENTER // if the activity is // enter the square // - // setTransitionTypes // is 1. if not - 2. // if the same like // the last check - // 4. | Geofence.GEOFENCE_TRANSITION_DWELL | Geofence.GEOFENCE_TRANSITION_EXIT) .setLoiteringDelay(30000) // check every 30 seconds .build()); LocationRequest locationRequest = LocationRequest.create() .setPriority(LocationRequest.PRIORITY_BALANCED_POWER_ACCURACY) .setFastestInterval(5000L).setInterval(10000L) .setSmallestDisplacement(75.0F); PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getService(this, 0, new Intent(this, MyLocationHandler.class), PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.requestLocationUpdates(mGoogleClient, locationRequest, pendingIntent); // for mock locations LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.setMockMode(mGoogleClient, true); LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.setMockLocation(mGoogleClient, mockLocation(LAT, LNG, ACCURACY)); } @Override public void onConnectionSuspended(int cause) { // this callback will be invoked when the client is disconnected // it might happen eg when Google Play service crashes // when this happens, all requests are canceled, // and you must wait for it to be connected again } @Override public void onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult connectionResult) { // this callback will be invoked when the connection attempt fails if (connectionResult.hasResolution()) { // Google Play services can fix the issue // eg the user needs to enable it, updates to latest version // or the user needs to grant permissions to it try { connectionResult.startResolutionForResult(this, 0); } catch (IntentSender.SendIntentException e) { // it happens if the resolution intent has been canceled, // or is no longer able to execute the request } } else { // Google Play services has no idea how to fix the issue } } public void getGeofenceValue(View view) { MyLocationHandler handler = new MyLocationHandler(); int check = handler.geofencingEvent.getGeofenceTransition(); if (check == 1) { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Inside", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); DWELL = "Inside"; } else { if (check == 2) { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Outside", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); DWELL = "Outside"; } else { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "DWELL", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } } } 


 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="" package="com.example.geofencing" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0" > <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="10" android:targetSdkVersion="21" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" /> <!-- for mock locations --> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION" /> <application android:allowBackup="true" android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:label="@string/app_name" android:theme="@style/AppTheme" > <meta-data android:name="" android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" /> <activity android:name=".MainActivity" android:label="@string/app_name" > <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> </intent-filter> </activity> </application> 


 12-24 18:18:22.946: D/libEGL(27774): loaded /system/lib/egl/ 12-24 18:18:22.961: D/libEGL(27774): loaded /system/lib/egl/ 12-24 18:18:22.966: D/libEGL(27774): loaded /system/lib/egl/ 12-24 18:18:22.971: E/(27774): Device driver API match 12-24 18:18:22.971: E/(27774): Device driver API version: 23 12-24 18:18:22.971: E/(27774): User space API version: 23 12-24 18:18:22.971: E/(27774): mali: REVISION=Linux-r3p2-01rel3 BUILD_DATE=Wed Oct 9 21:05:57 KST 2013 12-24 18:18:23.061: D/OpenGLRenderer(27774): Enabling debug mode 0 12-24 18:18:23.081: D/AndroidRuntime(27774): Shutting down VM 12-24 18:18:23.081: W/dalvikvm(27774): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x41d5c700) 12-24 18:18:23.086: E/AndroidRuntime(27774): FATAL EXCEPTION: main 12-24 18:18:23.086: E/AndroidRuntime(27774): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Expiration not set. 12-24 18:18:23.086: E/AndroidRuntime(27774): at$ Source) 12-24 18:18:23.086: E/AndroidRuntime(27774): at com.example.geofencing.MainActivity.onConnected( 12-24 18:18:23.086: E/AndroidRuntime(27774): at Source) 12-24 18:18:23.086: E/AndroidRuntime(27774): at Source) 12-24 18:18:23.086: E/AndroidRuntime(27774): at Source) 12-24 18:18:23.086: E/AndroidRuntime(27774): at$2.onConnected(Unknown Source) 12-24 18:18:23.086: E/AndroidRuntime(27774): at Source) 12-24 18:18:23.086: E/AndroidRuntime(27774): at Source) 12-24 18:18:23.086: E/AndroidRuntime(27774): at$hb(Unknown Source) 12-24 18:18:23.086: E/AndroidRuntime(27774): at$hg(Unknown Source) 12-24 18:18:23.086: E/AndroidRuntime(27774): at$b.hy(Unknown Source) 12-24 18:18:23.086: E/AndroidRuntime(27774): at$a.handleMessage(Unknown Source) 12-24 18:18:23.086: E/AndroidRuntime(27774): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 12-24 18:18:23.086: E/AndroidRuntime(27774): at android.os.Looper.loop( 12-24 18:18:23.086: E/AndroidRuntime(27774): at 12-24 18:18:23.086: E/AndroidRuntime(27774): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) 12-24 18:18:23.086: E/AndroidRuntime(27774): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( 12-24 18:18:23.086: E/AndroidRuntime(27774): at$ 12-24 18:18:23.086: E/AndroidRuntime(27774): at 12-24 18:18:23.086: E/AndroidRuntime(27774): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) 

Cuando lanzo la aplicación, sólo muestra un mensaje de error.

Gracias. lanza una IllegalArgumentException "si alguno de los parámetros no está establecido o fuera de rango" .

Debe intentar agregar una duración de expiración a la geofence cuando la construye. Consulte el método setExpirationDuration de Geofence.Builder .

Ejemplo con la corrección sugerida:

 geofences.add(new Geofence.Builder() .setExpirationDuration(Geofence.NEVER_EXPIRE) .setRequestId("unique-geofence-id") .setCircularRegion( mockLocation(LAT, LNG, ACCURACY).getLatitude(), mockLocation(LAT, LNG, ACCURACY).getLongitude(), 1000) .setTransitionTypes( Geofence.GEOFENCE_TRANSITION_ENTER | Geofence.GEOFENCE_TRANSITION_DWELL | Geofence.GEOFENCE_TRANSITION_EXIT) .setLoiteringDelay(30000) .build()); 
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