Camino de Android Studio a diferentes directorios

Hoy quería limpiar mi SSD en el que Windows está instalado, y encontré en C: \ Users \ SonneXo una carpeta (1.6 GB), que quería cambiar: .AndroidStudioPreview lo busqué, y el Internet me sugirió que cambiara Los ajustes en , que hice:

#--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE config folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- D:/Android/.AndroidStudioPreview/config #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE system folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- D:/Android/.AndroidStudioPreview/system 

Copié la carpeta completa de C: \ Users \ SonneXo.AndroidStudioPreview a D: \ Android.AndroidStudioPreview , empecé Android Studio y me dijo que debía importar la configuración para completar la instalación.

Así que supongo que algo no salió bien. Igual apareció como quité el # de los instroductions, también.

Si no elijo una carpeta con la configuración para importar, el sdk crea la carpeta .AndroidStudioPreview nueva, si elijo la nueva ubicación, parece copiar partes de ella de nuevo a C: \ Users \ SonneXo .

Alguien por ahí con el mismo problema y una sugerencia?

Hasta ahora tienen un buen domingo;

Reemplace su con la siguiente y compruebe

 # Use ${idea.home} macro to specify location relative to IDE installation home. # Use ${xxx} where xxx is any Java property (including defined in previous lines of this file) to refer to its value. # Note for Windows users: please make sure you're using forward slashes (eg c:/idea/system). #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE config folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # idea.config.path=${user.home}/.AndroidStudioPreview/config idea.config.path=D:/Android/.AndroidStudioPreview/config #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE system folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- idea.system.path=D:/Android/.AndroidStudioPreview/system #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to user installed plugins folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # idea.plugins.path=${idea.config.path}/plugins #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Uncomment this option if you want to customize path to IDE logs folder. Make sure you're using forward slashes. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # idea.log.path=${idea.system.path}/log #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Maximum file size (kilobytes) IDE should provide code assistance for. # The larger file is the slower its editor works and higher overall system memory requirements are # if code assistance is enabled. Remove this property or set to very large number if you need # code assistance for any files available regardless their size. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- idea.max.intellisense.filesize=2500 #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # This option controls console cyclic buffer: keeps the console output size not higher than the specified buffer size (Kb). # Older lines are deleted. In order to disable cycle buffer use idea.cycle.buffer.size=disabled #--------------------------------------------------------------------- idea.cycle.buffer.size=1024 #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configure if a special launcher should be used when running processes from within IDE. # Using Launcher enables "soft exit" and "thread dump" features #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # To avoid too long classpath #--------------------------------------------------------------------- idea.dynamic.classpath=false #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Uncomment this property to prevent IDE from throwing ProcessCanceledException when user activity # detected. This option is only useful for plugin developers, while debugging PSI related activities # performed in background error analysis thread. # DO NOT UNCOMMENT THIS UNLESS YOU'RE DEBUGGING IDE ITSELF. Significant slowdowns and lockups will happen otherwise. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #idea.ProcessCanceledException=disabled #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # There are two possible values of idea.popup.weight property: "heavy" and "medium". # If you have WM configured as "Focus follows mouse with Auto Raise" then you have to # set this property to "medium". It prevents problems with popup menus on some # configurations. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- idea.popup.weight=heavy #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Use default anti-aliasing in system, ie override value of "Settings|Editor|Appearance|Use anti-aliased font" # option. May be useful when using Windows Remote Desktop Connection for instance. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Disabling this property may lead to visual glitches like blinking and fail to repaint # on certain display adapter cards. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sun.java2d.noddraw=true #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Removing this property may lead to editor performance degradation under Windows. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sun.java2d.d3d=false #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Workaround for slow scrolling in JDK6 #--------------------------------------------------------------------- swing.bufferPerWindow=false #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Removing this property may lead to editor performance degradation under X Window. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sun.java2d.pmoffscreen=false #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Workaround to avoid long hangs while accessing clipboard under Mac OS X. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #ide.mac.useNativeClipboard=True #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Maximum size (kilobytes) IDEA will load for showing past file contents - # in Show Diff or when calculating Digest Diff #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #idea.max.vcs.loaded.size.kb=20480 #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # IDEA can copy library .jar files to prevent their locking. # By default this behavior is enabled on Windows and disabled on other platforms. # Uncomment this property to override. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # idea.jars.nocopy=false #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # The VM option value to be used to start a JVM in debug mode. # Some JREs define it in a different way (-XXdebug in Oracle VM) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- idea.xdebug.key=-Xdebug #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Change to 'disabled' if you don't want to receive instant visual notifications # about fatal errors that happen to an IDE or plugins installed. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- idea.fatal.error.notification=enabled 

Pruebe esta ruta en el Explorador de archivos y una vez para comprobar si la ruta es correcta o no.


Desde Android Studio 1.4 no es necesario anular la del sistema. Usted puede crear su con sólo que anula, que usted necesita.

Para mí, es: en %USERPROFILE%\.{FOLDER_NAME}\

 idea.config.path=d:/Android/AndroidStudio/config/ idea.system.path=d:/Android/AndroidStudio/system/ 

Puede leer instrucciones completas de Google en

El archivo en %USERPROFILE%\.{FOLDER_NAME}\ no se ha creado automaticcaly. Debe crearlo manualmente.

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