Cómo quitar la etiqueta de HTML en android?

Estoy creando un proyecto de muestra en android. Estoy usando la fuente de rss de ejemplo.

En la descripción xml que viene como esto,

<![CDATA[ <p>15&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2012</p> <a href="http://newsonair.nic.in/full_news.asp?TOP2"> <p style='FONT-SIZE: 12px; LINE-HEIGHT: 150%' align='justify'> <img style='FLOAT: left; MARGIN-RIGHT: 5px' height='100' width='100' src=http://www.newsonair.nic.in/writereaddata/news_pictures/PICNEWS1.jpg? 0.7055475></a><br/> Parliament was today disrupted over the issue of removal of Trinamool Congress's leader and the Railway Minister, Mr.Dinesh Trivedi from the Council of Ministers.</p><br clear="all" /> ]]> 

Quiero mostrar como esto,

 Parliament was today disrupted over the issue of removal of Trinamool Congress's leader and the Railway Minister, Mr.Dinesh Trivedi from the Council of Ministers. 

Puede alguien decir la idea de hacer esto. Gracias.

  html = html.replaceAll("<(.*?)\\>"," ");//Removes all items in brackets html = html.replaceAll("<(.*?)\\\n"," ");//Must be undeneath html = html.replaceFirst("(.*?)\\>", " ");//Removes any connected item to the last bracket html = html.replaceAll("&nbsp;"," "); html = html.replaceAll("&amp;"," "); 

Aquí hay un pedazo de mi código.

Hágalo como a continuación:

 String plain = Html.fromHtml("your_html_string").toString(); 

Esto podría funcionar:




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