Cargar HTML en la vista web en Android?

Estoy cargando contenido html siguiente en la webview. Pero im que consigue error siguiente:

Página web no disponible text / html; utf8% 3C! DOCTYPE% 20HTML% 20PUBLIC% 20 // W3C // ……..

y más

Este es mi contenido html

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN'><html><head><title>Personality ABC</title></head><body><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><strong>[Red-Blue] Sachin</strong><br /><img src="r7y3b6.png" alt="[Red-Blue] Sachin" title="[Red-Blue] Sachin" /><br />Sachin</td><td align="center"><strong> [Yellow-Red-Blue] Test1</strong><br /><img src="5y5b5.png" alt="[Yellow-Red-Blue] Test1" title="[Yellow- Red-Blue] Test1" /><br />Test1</td></tr></table><br/><p><strong>Harmony:</strong></p> <p><strong>Test1</strong> and <strong>Sachin</strong> experience lots of similarities together. Both personalities have strong red (dominant, authoritative and impatient) and blue (rational, reserved and analytic) sides and understand each other&rsquo;s nature; both being rational, thoughtful but dominant, authoritative and a strong leader at the same time. Both love to be in control and love to be superior and have a need for progress and a love for challenges.</p> <p><strong>Conflict potential:</strong></p> <p><strong>Test1</strong> has all 3 personalities in one and<strong> </strong>gets irritated easily. It is like a mood switch from one to the other and back again: yellow (friendly, kind) to red (dominant, need to lead) to blue (rational, thinking through, being objective). This irritates <strong>Sachin</strong> because he/she finds it frustrating when someone cannot make up their mind. <strong>Test1</strong> sometimes feels confused and expresses it with: &ldquo;I am confused!&rdquo; This is difficult for <strong>Sachin</strong> to deal with.</p></body></html> 

No sé cuál es el problema?

 WebView wv = (WebView)findViewById(; wv.loadDataWithBaseURL("notreal/", data_html, "text/html", "utf-8",null); 

Tengo este código para abrir un html.

 WebView web = new WebView(this); web.loadUrl("file:///sdcard/file.html");//The file:// is the protocol and it's nedded for internal files 
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